Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb

Why they still stick by him is a damn good question, and one that I doubt you'd ever get a satisfactory answer for.

I like how "Love Gun" foregoes double entendre altogether and just sticks with single entendre.

I recall that he put out a live album in the 00s where the songwriting credits of some Beatles songs were changed to "McCartney/Lennon," and a stink got raised, but by whom I don't remember.

Sorry, wasn't trying to imply that I had some secret knowledge that wasn't spoken upthread, but, for as long as I can remember in the 80s, 90s, and 00s up until he was arrested in Switzerland, the basic story that circulated was just that he had slept with an underage girl (how under-age usually being elided) and then

"Lennon had previously advocated for Ono to get a co-writing credit on the song…"

Apropos of nothing, in the set list for my imaginary 1978 Beatles reunion tour, "Everybody's Got Something To Hide Except For Me And My Monkey" becomes an extended jam where each Beatle has his solo.

The actual facts of the case have been obscured for many years (case in point, Marina Zenovich's two deeply dishonest documentaries) to the point that you only know the full story if you've bothered to look for it, and most people haven't.

How does Steven Spielberg sleep at night?


May the road rise up to meet your wheels.

And who is that sixth screenwriter?

Technically, I think that "with Marissa Tomei," "and Robert Downey Jr." make them higher-billed. So really, Faverau is second-to-last.

Say what you will, but the Washington Monument must have a great agent to get itself in the NYC skyline.

Micheal Keaton clearly has in his contract that his face needs to be as big as Tom Holland's, and Robert Downey's says that nobody's face can be bigger than his.

Be Cool! Sweet! I've been wondering for years what happens next in the Get Shorty Cinematic Universe.

Deep cut, man.

Aging Gen-Xers?

Except for the stairs and the baby carriage (which admittedly, are the two key narrative aspects of Potemkin's original), the two are basically night and day in terms of style and tone.

Let's add zebras or GTFO.

if Trump built a man-made island with a giant Colossus of Rhodes of himself directly across from the Statue of Liberty.