Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb

Any reason that Paul, George, and Ringo have let the stereo mixes become the "default" for just about every re-issue? I know that people back in the 60s cared that stuff was in stereo, even if it was faux-stereo, but I doubt most listeners now would even tell the difference.

"I’m sorry, you can’t watch the film once. It’s impossible."

I dunno — I'm really surprised at how many people I talk to or see on TV who genuinely believe that Trump was a successful "businessman," as opposed to a successful reality TV personality and con artist.

As I told many Trump-curious in the run up to the election, Trump has betrayed *everyone* who has ever trusted him.

This sounds like something that's going to turn out swell!

and was totally solid in Nymphomaniac

Um, shouldn't it have been the last straw?

I sent you a "Participation" trophy in the mail this morning. (You still live on Ballsaq Hill, right?)

Seth Rogen to try and seduce Charlize Theron in new comedy

Thanks, Trump.

If anyone ever tells you "You're the least anti-Semitic person I've ever met," you do not want to be around that person ever again.

Not worse, and if they served it at a wedding in the 80s, they would have called it "Chicken Cordon Bleu."

The DVD commentary was a victim of its own success. Too many DVDs had too many worthless commentaries from too many directors/stars that didn't have anything useful to say.

Don't be so sure. The best gerrymander is one that you think ensures your something like 55-60% of the vote across a number of districts state-wide, as opposed to packing your supporters into districts where you're winning with 80%.

McConnell is the least-principled, most cynical man in Washington, and he's kind of a political genius that way.

Republican logic: if you can't afford a car to drive yourself to the poll, you shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Everybody talked shit about the Double Down, but if it were sold out of a food truck instead of at KFC, foodie bloggers would have lined up for miles.

Yeah, I don't go there anymore because, irrespective of their current policies, they just stood by and let themselves become territory to be captured in the culture war.

Reminds me of when Mark McGrath complained about being dismissed as a one-hit wonder, and responded something like a one-hit wonder is better than 99.99% of the world doesn't have a hit.

Left out of the article is the fact that IMAX now has a digital 4K camera that is not much different that the RED cameras. So just because the Disney tentpoles will be shot "on IMAX" doesn't mean they will be shot on "real" 65mm IMAX.