Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb

70mm IMAX has a tendency to distort and "soften" any portions of a film that were shot on 35mm and are then blown up to 70. I saw both Dark Knight Rises and Interstellar in IMAX 70, and both had this problem.

Totally normal, which is why Lucas deleted the song from the Special Editions. Theaters were complaining about how much time it took to clean up.

He'd have been better if they'd let Agent 47 wear a hat.

It's always darkest right before it goes pitch black.

In August 2001, Bush received a PDB entitled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” His response: “All right. You’ve covered your ass, now.”

Clean living, chewing thoroughly, and a daily dose of Vitamin Church!

And now you get nothing

Sounds like all we need is a tape of Trump endorsing sexual assault — then I'm sure they drop him like a hot rock!

I heard the Beatles were maybes; it depends on whether Lorne Michaels's $100 check clears.

The Jar-Jar quotes appear to be from the book, but the surrounding text looks like a summary of the exposition.

It's one of those things that doesn't matter until the nightmare scenario when it does.

Actual exchange today:

Republicans always accuse Democrats of something stupid, then turn around and elect candidates who do those same things but 10 times worse.

But the rub of gerrymandering is that, when done well, you're winning a lot of districts, but winning by smaller margins because you're spreading your voters out so that you don't "waste" their votes piling up big wins. So the other side wins a few districts with 80% of the vote, and you win a lot with 55%.

"Life. It's all we have. But is it any good?"

Thank you, Vladimir. You are a tremendous person. The best.

Minor technical point: the Speaker of the House becomes "acting" president if the Pres is gone and the Veep is unable to serve. So Ryan can never actually the "the president."

But because Trump can't get his act together, the GOP is not actually able to pass its horrible shit. Obama had signed three major pieces of legislation by the end of his first month; Trump has scrawled his name on some executive orders that are being overturned by the courts.

Hey guys, I'm starting to think that making a game show host with untreatable mental illness who gets all of his information from Fox News was a bad idea….

In the late 90s, he was on "Ted Nugent: Behind the Music" and called himself a conservative.