Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb

As a Springsteen fan, I can confirm.

[Suzanne Collins sweeps up her driveway so that the money truck can back in.]

They should get with the times and offer Crystal Pepsi only as a digital download.

Yeah. And?

My record is four in one day, also in 2000, at three different theaters: Princess Mononoke, Being John Malkovich, North by Northwest, and The Insider.

Ahem — "Doll," not "lady."

Well, Ike Turner is dead.

No, it's the prequel to 2 Girls 1 Cup.

B&W get basically no time off

I don't think that last part is correct — Matt Weiner said he wrote the series finale on Memorial Day 2014 right after the first 7 finished airing.

GoT will usher in an all new model: Final season split into THREE parts!

Glad to see this article in hopes that everyone can stop pretending that Spaceballs is a funny movie.

That might be the best bit in the movie, or at least it's only attempt at subtle humor.

He did try to talk that oil company into buying a better boat.

GNR is the last big-ass rock-n-roll band that could reunite and do major bank, but the wild card is whether they can get promoters to cough up given their, um, spotty track record on things like "showing up for concerts," and "starting concerts the day they're supposed to," and "not starting riots."

WTF does this even mean, AV Club?

Is she going to get a percentage of each sale as an Amazon affiliate? 'Cause those pennies can add up to some real money over time.

I'm starting to suspect that nobody really wanted a Jem and the Holograms movie to begin with …

C'mon — "I am a Rock" was kinda funny.