Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb

No, it would not be bad. It would be entirely correct.

Texas Pete comes from Winston Salem, North Carolina.

Janice: How is Bobby?
Tony: He's fat.

I'm really pleased to hear that Fincher isn't going to spend 4-5 years of his life adapting those second two books.

Talk about quickly diminishing returns for books 2 and 3.

It's true, I'm an old person.

I have a feeling that Bad Santa 2 will end up being like Pirates of the Caribbean 2: The first film works mainly because of a wildly creative lead performance, so the only thing you can really do for a sequel is give the actor the stage and hope you catch lightening in a bottle a second time.

Sex appeal?

It's also one of the worst KISS songs, which is saying a lot.

"Bathing costume." What kind of strumpet do you think she is?

"You know what I really like? Sex."

Everything went to shit when Apple decided that one, integrated audio app was too easy and split it into a different app for every type of media.

Is there anything in that box about the Nisha call? Because I still need some closure on that.

While not a good movie, I guess I kinda have a soft spot for it because Soderbergh said in the commentary for Schizopolis that he was going to "break the 5th wall" in Ocean's 12, and then he did.

I just hope that Danny didn't put on too much weight after their last job, and Rusty didn't have a bunch of kids.

Yeah, I can't really see Writer-With-A-Camera Gary Ross bringing the sort of style that made Oceans 11 so much fun (and 12 and 13 watchable).

Huh, I've never turned anything off because it was too scary. But, then again, I'm dead inside.


They really should get Tom Petty to play something.

Good - Now I can add "Only God Forgives" to my Amazon queue AND keep it in my Netflix queue and not watch it on either!