Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb

"Why is Lois (a civilian) on that military plane anyway?"

Nobody could have predicted that picking up Community would be like setting money on fire.

Definitely heard it for the first time from another lifeguard in 1996, which was the only year I was a lifeguard.

It's troubling that there are currently as many SW movies in some stage of development as there have been SW movies in the last 40 years.

I guess it shows you the genius of the Special Edition releases and prequels from a marketing standpoint.

Every Lego brick has to fit with every other Lego brick that's ever been made, so the error tolerances are extremely low for toys.

Just when you think you know all about Star Wars, you read this post, then spend 20 minutes learning about "Fake Wedge."

I'm sure Wenner would be down if Mick is.

Wax is for Anthrax.

Having listened to "Made in Japan," I can say that Blackmore is a terrible gambler, then.

To be fair, though, the nominating committee has kept Wenner from putting in Mick Jagger as a solo artist.

Musical theater would be the natural medium to use to tell the Chaz & Roger Ebert story.

That's exactly what I would expect a liar who's going to direct Man of Steel 2 to say….

Who are Christopher Tolkien's heirs, anyway? Film rights for Silmarillion stories will be sold one day. Whether CT likes it or not, the further generations are removed from the original author, the less "some dead guy's literary legacy" means to them versus "a big pile of money."

That wasn't pee!

No, it's exactly like them reading off your aunt's facebook wall.

What it loses is subtly it certainly makes up for in close-ups of Sheri Moon Zombie's ass.

Dammit — I've been telling that joke for years and now Chris Hardwick fucking used it?

You'll be shocked to learn that this aging, wealthy musician has a wife that's quite a bit younger than he is!

Nope, exactly the right time!