Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb

speculates that she could play someone’s daughter

It is listeners who expect everything to be free, but one way you can look at that is that the market (i.e., music listeners) have decided that recorded music just isn't worth much to them. And that's a hard lesson that still hasn't sunk in for most of the music industry.

Super-popular with my kids, but, then again, they are my kids….

It's not Smith's fault that we grew up and started having higher standards.

Schindler's List reboot or GTFO!

Yeah, it's like the complaints about why the girl in a horror movie would go upstairs. She doesn't know she's in a horror movie, and people go upstairs literally all the time.

Guy Pearce asked Scott about it when he was approached for the part. Scott's rationale was, more or less, that it would be a difficult shoot and it was easier to cast a young guy and put him in old age make up than to cast an old guy and have to constantly be using stunt doubles or compromise what the actor could

I couldn't remember who Humpty was for a minute, then I remembered he was the one who said "Just grab 'em in the biscuits."

He's too busy branding a piece of snatch.


Without reading extensively about the law, I believe it's intent is to allow abuse victims to bring a suit if they repress the memory but then experience the trauma later in life. So it's probably a victim-friendly statute, but the flip side of that is that the defendant still has some statute of limitations defenses

Presumably still finishing up the bedding. Dude's in for a surprise when he finally comes up for air.

I assume his views are based on having had to fight dinosaurs in Jurassic Park 2, where a gun would have come in handy.

Could be. I note though that Mike Huckabee isn't distancing himself from them; I'd watch what he does over the next few days. If the Duggers can keep the elites on their side, they can probably wrangle the yahoos as well.

Aren't we already seeing the counter-backlash from the "Leave Duggers aloooooone!" crowd who thinks that criticizing a Dugger is criticizing Jesus?

to have as many children as possible to shout over, outvote, or otherwise dominate the heathens outside the movement.

I like the content/publication synergy of In Touch magazine breaking this story.

Worth every penny, then.

Greek mythology: The original multi-volume, shared-universe franchise.

Wikipedia says that the "The Stand" miniseries cost $28M in 1994.