

i’d go trick or treating today for that.

Said Kaep, “there’s enough of the #7torm for everyone, boys!”

What gets me is everyone, from the gibbering media fuckwits to the sherriff, says that what Fields did wasn’t justified. Okay, sheriff, then why are you trying to justify it?

“The General-Secretary is not as forgiving as I am.”

just other Floridians

Gandalf’s not doing so well these days, huh.

I realize y’all have settled on your narrative and facts won’t change your minds, but the fact is that Johnny Manziel was actually not that good against the Titans. Outside of the two bombs to Benjamin, he was mostly incapable of moving the offense. That’s a large reason of why the Titans were able to crawl back into

would just like to point out that America had the Articles of Confederation before it had the Constitution, so not even America got it right the first time, lol

America hasn’t lost the war with guns because it was never fighting a war against guns. It’s more accurate to say that America, in aggregate, is willing to sacrifice Alison Parker and Adam Ward in order to keep its guns. Just as America is willing to sacrifice the four soldiers who died in Chattanooga. America is