AC March

Okay, Sega, if you’re gonna soft reboot something this off the beaten path, maybe, I don’t know, consider a reboot of PHANTASY STAR?!?

I’m happy being old and out of touch.

I think I recognized four names in this article. And I listen to zero of them. I feel so old.

I’ve thought this for years. It would really breathe life into the landscape and bizarreness of Mid-World in a way that real life actors and CGI just can’t pull off. And it would be a nice workaround for the problem of an actor aging out of playing Jake.

Geez, Gozer was only going to bring 40 years of darkness. Who knew a senator was more powerful than an ancient Sumerian god?

I don’t know why, but my brain wants to try to put “Penis Man” to the tune of “Plant Man” by Gary Young. It’s a syllable too long, I know.

Enslaved is interesting. It’s like a prototype of Horizon Zero Dawn, with a dollop of Uncharted mixed in. I would’ve liked to have seen a sequel to refine some of the game’s rougher edges (combat is wonky af).

I’m playing Horizon Zero Dawn. I already had about eight games in backlog, plus maybe half a dozen more unfinished games ... and then GameStop’s damnable B2G2 sale hit, and I had $60 in gift cards, so, I just added four to the backlog.

I wasn’t talking how much money it made. I specifically mentioned time. Two years is a sample size. If it’s alive and kicking in five years and hasn’t had a noticeable dip in subscriber base, okay, then we can say its impact is measurable. But two years in? Plenty of media has burned hot for a short period, flamed out

I don’t think it can be included yet, because we really don’t know if this is permanent or not. Remember when Guitar Hero and Rock Band were EVERYWHERE? For a long time, it felt like they’d always be there ... until they weren’t. Fortnite’s incredibly popular, yes, and it’s created a bunch of imitators. But in five

Hey, Hollywood, we’ve already answered the unasked question of “how about more Vacation?”. The answer was NO. Take the hint.

In my head, I heard a line from Clerks; “This job would be great if it weren’t for the fucking customers.” Not a 100% fit, but close enough.

Really? The Upside? I mean, yeah, it was cheesy and saccharine, but ... it had good acting, and some really good character moments. I was especially impressed by the dinner scene wherein Bryan Cranston’s character meets his pen pal paramour, and she wigs out about his the severity of his disability; she was both

My first memory of the system was it was viewing it as THE OTHER SYSTEM. An Interloper among the two true titans, Nintendo and Sega. I was convinced the PS1 would end up alongside the 3DO and the Jaguar as another video game console cul-de-sac, so I dismissed them. And between Nintendo and Sega, the Genesis had

This thread made me Smile.

You know how sex and odd sexual themes sit on the periphery of most of his books?

Am I really the only one who finds Simone just as annoying as Brent? She’s just as strident and uncompromising in her positions, unwilling to admit she’s wrong, and unwilling to accept new information that challenges her worldview. She’s abrasive, condescending, and believes she’s above everybody because she’s smarter

I felt the same way about Coldheart Canyon.

I want Barker to FINISH the Books of the Art before they go making them into movies. Lest we get another Game of Thrones situation.

It’s a waking version of “it was all a dream”. I know Roman Bridger was plain white toast on a paper plate, but at least it tied into the other movies. A ripoff of April Fool’s Day ... no.