AC March

Well, for starters, the Tigers are a baseball team. So ...

I think I got about 20 minutes into Star Wars: The Force Unleashed before quitting. After killing something like 1000 stormtroopers, it just got old.

I was thinking Tarzan. Not Trek, though. Between Original, TNG and nuTrek, that’s only 13.

THIS RIGHT HERE. While I’d love a Sega CD or 32X collection, those can very pretty faithfully emulated, and the 32X can be had on the cheap. The Saturn has never, to my knowledge, had a reliable emulator. And picking up the console and games is a huge investment, considering it wasn’t a strong seller, so the good

I was about 12 at the time. I was struggling to get a usable piece of Saran Wrap to cover up some leftovers. As I stood there, throwing away was after wad of wrap that looked like it was cut with a slap-chop, I thought how the box should come with some device that you could slide down the serrated edge, pushing the

This isn’t a glitch. The long-snapper is Zack Morris. We’re seeing what happens when he does that time-stop bullshit from the outside.

I’m either hallucinating, or that thing has camel toe.

And yet, only one rare item. What are the odds?

No, actually. I did not see that illustrated anywhere prior to its release. Too late now, already traded it in. I hadn’t played it in months anyway. Too many other games that pulled me away.

Mark Davis looks like some unholy combination of Jason Voorhees and Roger Goodell. I think I scared a few years off my life blundering into those pictures.

The sad thing is, the rights to many of those games are lost, or expired (see early sports game so like Tecmo Bowl or old WWF titles), gobbled up in a series of corporate takeovers, or for games with niche followings that would never be worth posting on the eShop anyway. Kid Niki, 3x3 Eyes, Golgo 13, Karnov, anything

And this is why I ditched the game as soon as Next dropped. I loved the exploration and charting. I loathed the idea of interaction with others. Turns it into just another typical multiplayer game.

The face of a killer.

Or, you could choose to be less concerned about the opinions of others and enjoy what you want.

I’m no fan of Meghan McCain at all. She’s as reprehensible as it gets. But saying “I have a life” and proceeding all the ways how to a “get a life” comment is not a brutal owning. Unless the bar to clear is “I’m rubber, you’re glue”.

A mistake is when you pick up Vitamin D milk instead of 1%. A mistake is when you send Comcast the check for the Visa card, and Visa the check for Comcast. Framing an innocent customer as a non-tipper due to racism isn’t a “mistake”; it’s a choice. A stupid, overt, hostile choice that only does damage to those who’ve

Clearly, the conservative answer is “don’t”.

I am not a competitive person, so the multiplayer nature never held appeal for me. So I waited ... and waited ... and waited .... and waited ... AND WAITED ...

Pier Solar and the Great Architects. I started it for an Extra Life 24-hour marathonlive gamestream. I am a fan of 16-bit style RPG’s, so I thought it’d be a fun game to marathon.

I’d plus-one this, but another commentor took it.