AC March

For LA, it’s time to bend over and Goff.

But the rule is written in language that takes 37 pages, ensuring there isn’t a single official who understands it or calls it properly.

From what I’ve read on other sites, yes, the updates will be on PS3/360.

+%J upvotes

We all know red blood doesn’t stain white cotton. Just more lies by the liberal media and the Zionist occupied government.

+1 protein strand

This is an improvement over his normal commentary.

+7 thieves pretending to be cops. Unless you’re human. Then, +1.

Or, I don’t know, use a word often enough and the phone will learn to ignore it.

All this, all day. I never gave a single shit about multiplayer when I was younger. I’m 39 now, with three kids and one TV to speak of. I get, tops, 2 hours a week to game, and my backlog is 20 games deep. I do not have the time to compete against some 13 year old asshat from Middle Of Nowhere, USA who calls me a “fag

Wake up, sheeple! Don’t be tools of BIG HURRICANE! The Meteorological Industrial Complex is just trying to drive ratings to The Weather Channel!

“Jorgy gets to keep his company, the workers get to keep their yobs, everybody’s happy! Yumpin’ yimminy!”

Typically, teams have contracts to carry broadcasts. How is this radio station able to up and dump their contracted partner without legal consequence?

If it’s anything like other infamous part 2's — Nightmare On Elm Street 2, Pirates Of The Caribbean 2, Attack Of The Clones — then perhaps this is a road they don’t want to go down.

I stopped caring after they announced it wouldn’t have Internet or an SD slot. This thing could’ve been a GOLD MINE if it had expansion capabilities.

Train tracks? Running into a train station?!? IMPOSSIBLE.

+3% settlement

Really, it’s a kid-friendly Aqua Teen Hunger Force. Characters introduced, ostensibly, for a purpose, only they never seem to do that, and instead, the show is just one big series of non-sequiters.

So, sorry DOESN’T make up for rape, stalking, harassment and attempted coercion? WHAT KIND OF COUNTRY IS THIS?!? #MURICA #FOOTBAW

Says the person who said I didn’t know how to do math, and when I disproved it, switched his argument to continue hacking at me for having a different opinion.