
Since when has Nintendo released a war game set in the modern ear which rages war against brown people? If Blue Moon was not so obvious Russia and the game did not start with them invading another country, then maybe your complaint would have some merit. But Advance Wars is a direct parallel to current events. 

Or just leave the character as is? The character McCree is not the developer McCree. It’s a fictional character that millions of players have grown to love since Overwatch launched 5 years ago. 99.99% of these players didn’t even know that there was a developer named Jesse McCree until this debacle began. They didn’t

The point is in the how they got hugely successful. They’re fundamentally linked.

The only people who should surprised are people who still give The Game Awards an ounce of credibility. Now, I’m admittedly not well informed on how category entries are chosen and how the voting works, but historically, it feels like the Oscars. For an awards show honoring interactive entertainment, the same kinds of

Self-fulfilling prophecy, ad nauseam.

this lines up with the capcom monster hunter rumor/leak that it would be revealed before the Tokyo game show. Can almost guarantee it’ll probable be about 2-3 games that have already been kind of announced before, then finish with a shadow drop of the new switch exclusive monster hunter title

By your own words you are saying you get more by owning a Playstation which means if the consumer wants “more” they have to potentially buy a whole new console to get more from a cross platform game. This is anti-consumer which is by definition: anti-consumer not favorable to consumers : improperly favoring the

I don’t understand why book readers are pissy that Martin would work with Miyazaki on this game. It’s blatantly obvious that after his books were spoiled (which the agreed upon timeline was altered behind his back by season 4 which only gave him 6 months to finish Winds before his books were spoiled) then he wasn’t

You know what’s coming.

You have a very skewed idea of what it takes to be a “terrible person.” That aside: I wish I knew how to explain to you that you should care about other people.

I have indeed played Sun & Moon. I fail to see how they’re relevant.

Well, not everyone has to like every Pokemon game.

What I don’t get is the polarization on this movie. It was neither as great as all its defenders claim, nor as horrible as the neckbeards claim. It was pretty good in large chunks while it had some extremely questionable plot/writing decisions in other areas. Everything with Luke/Rey/Kylo worked, and almost everything

And yet here we are, nearing the end of a console generation, and digital games is how most people buy video games. MS got raked over the coals for doing something ahead of the curve, albeit without a clear coherent plan which would have helped sell the idea, but regardless we are nearly at a point where the digital

Microsoft backed off their idea that lead to that... will Sony have the balls to admit they’ve messed up and do the same?