Jecca Jabbers

she’s in that action/thriller wheelhouse. I feel like maybe it’s the options rather than her choices, you know?

idk about JLaw!!!!!!

Probably the last actress in the world that I worry about is Jennifer.

She was a little too uptight in the first couple of seasons, but she’s gotten much more interesting as the show has progressed. And she’s also led a really fascinating life— I was very happy that Bravo did that special about her life before RHONY.

Luanne has always been my favorite, even first season snooty as all get out Luann.

Yes. And I will forever thank her for giving us “Don’t be all, like, uncool.”

I think Luann really is a gem on that show. And I will forever thank her for giving us “Money Can’t Buy You Class”

The real tragedy here is the lack of a statement necklace.