🎶 Underneath the bridge
🎶 Underneath the bridge
“Think of this moment the next time you’re being told to fall in line and vote for a corporate Democrat in the name of party unity.”
I guarantee you Seth Meyers has a story or two as well.
Will Smith has definitely never made any untoward gestures or advances.
I hope McDonald’s is next. I can’t tell if flipping D-grade beef patties on a filthy griddle for $9/hr. is a shitty job no one but teenagers should be making a career of!
About 1/3, which is reasonable given the map and social geography of America.
I am sure he will be very quick to remedy this as he was all the other blatantly illegal shit he’s done as president that, uh, he’s still doing.
You have to know and play to your audience.
And the onus on a former president to do anything more substantive than play with his dick is purely in YOUR imagination.
As soon as I got to “she’s going to win and we’re going to flip 70 seats,” my Tomato Alarm went off.
If real men like cleaning piss-tainted toilet splashback off the seat and rim on a regular basis, then chop my dick and balls off and call me Jennifer.
The sad, failing tabloid website Jezebel is reporting that I have my tweets ghost written! Fake News! I personally tweet every message on my Twitter with my own phone. When will FBI look into fake news and Crooked Hillary instead of Russian Witch Hunt!
Right, like I said.
If the parent or parents dispute that it was left out, how do you prove otherwise?
Only by dumb people.
“The creepy people, make a list, check it twice.“
A Venn diagram of people who are upset about “poor customer service at a place” and “who actually stop shopping there” has roughly one human hair’s worth of overlap, especially a specialty store like a Home Depot. What are you gonna do, go buy your Quik-Crete and lumber at Target?
Well, your personal experience clearly proves everything else is wrong.
What constitutes a “safe place?” Do you need to have an actual safe? And if so, what specs does it have to meet? Or does a room/closet with a lock on the door count? All these questions and the attendant follow up questions have to be answered.