
Well, he simply didn’t go to college, lol...

I know a guy who 35 years ago went to trade school right out of high school. Became a welder, made enough money to go to a very expensive MBA program. Graduated that and went back to welding. All before he was 26. When we was done with early mornings and hard physical labor (he welded on offshore oil rigs) he put his

Yep. I know a guy whose family is pretty well off and he works for the city because he loves working with tools. 

Look at the man on the right. That’s a man who trying VERY hard to relive his youth vicariously through his son. It’s no mystery to me where junior gets his money.

How did you leave off Justin Timberlake?

Thanks Claire - I have always put cheese on top of my eggs and now I will try putting the cheese under the eggs.

In this case the driver got charged with DUI vehicle manslaughter (at 10 a.m. on a Sunday morning), so it would seem to be hard toward one end of the spectrum of possibilities.

This surprises me but it really shouldn’t.

I’ve got those three and the chain saw. I’ll use my current lawn mower until it dies and then go battery, mostly because I hate small carbs. I’m up to a 5Ah and 2 2.5 Ah batteries now, would get another one with the mower because those won’t be enough for my lawn.

Get the lawnmower with the battery and problem solved. I’m thinking about upgrading my B&D trimmer and blower to the EGO as well. The B&D batteries are designed as well. They don’t last as long and take several hours to charge after they cool down enough to begin charging.

that they can’t really do anything with it, and they know that.

One of the funniest TV show episodes of all time!  (And probably something that no broadcast network would dare approve to be shown these days.)

I swear to god I thought turkeys could fly.

jesus christ we’re old to get that reference

In our current political climate, few issues are as politically charged as gun rights. And as is the case with many controversial issues, that can cause people to steer clear of the topic entirely to avoid confrontation or arguments.

To be fair, McMurray’s a piece of shit. 

Schitt’s Creek gets lots of acclaim but it is nothing but Curb Your Enthusiasm + Arrested Development

You can poke fun without being racist. You can address issues without being preachy. Right now America doesn’t want either. It’s the viewer’s fault.

No matter how many times we say “cancel culture is a myth,” it doesn’t make it true. I wish we could just acknowledge that so-called cancel culture has some negative implications along with all the positive effects (accountability, etc.).

This makes the Prince sound a bit like a fairy tale EMT, honestly.