
I want to see Gilad Pellaeon make it back into canon as a capable, competent, non-mustache-twirling Imperial fleet officer. 

Was that a Ssi-Ruu or was I just hoping for too much?

Was he? I don't remember him in that movie.

If anything, the Inquisitors are quislings...they’ve taken advantage of an opportunity to collaborate so they avoid the fate of their kind. I don’t think we’ve ever seen them exhibit any truly Sithlike traits, other than using standard Jedi powers for evil.

Totally agree. I know how much people hate Valerian but I was loving it from the start. It’s just so gorgeous and weird and...Bessonic.

I’ve had two in my life (three if you count my dad and I owning them at the same time), but I recognize that they’re VERY different vehicles now.

Same here. I don’t know if I’d say I’m “excited” about it but I’m definitely interested. 

Nice truck overall, notwithstanding a few details that should be easy to rectify, but...mmmmm, I just can’t see $17K for it. Maybe $12K.

It’s not an apology, but I do think it’s a concession, and sometimes for some people that’s essentially the same thing. 

I was thinking the same thing until I saw the pic of the 25th Anniversary Countach and remembered “oh God, that’s right, this one sucked.”

You don’t know until you KNOW. I’ve had so many friends become new parents and then say some variation of that to me after a few months.

One of the things about parenting that annoyed me the most was my tendency to read MYSELF to sleep while reading to my kids. It’s funny, there’s a scene in Incredibles 2 that captures it exactly. 

Yeah, but they’re relatively clever lies. I hadn’t heard most of these and I’ve got three kids.

My feelings exactly. 

Honestly, I bet you could make the money back renting this out for movies. It’s really spectacular. I think it’s worth it. NP

Right, that I understand. But it’s suggesting that his skull was fractured significantly. That’s where people are saying it’s “weird.”


What I’ve been hearing (not that I’m tracking, it’s just happened) is that the damage to his skull went way above what a simple fall would do, but I have no idea if there’s any actual basis in fact.

Pulling a gun may not do much but the guy getting shot effectively aborts the threat to the rest of the flight.

Same here. I think it’s even better on a second viewing, where you’re more tuned into what’s going on.