I’d argue anybody who can’t see the dramatic drop in quality and intelligence QT’s movies have taken since Jackie Brown might have questionable taste themselves...
I’d argue anybody who can’t see the dramatic drop in quality and intelligence QT’s movies have taken since Jackie Brown might have questionable taste themselves...
I can see that. 1994 when Pulp Fiction came out I was only 10, and I don’t think I ever watched all the way through until at least 10 years later. By that point it wasn’t “new” anymore. I feel like it’s one of those movies that if you didn’t see it when it came out, then it’s hard to appreciate.
I think for viewers of a certain age, that whole aspect of Pulp and Reservoir Dogs has been lost. The “Tarantino Effect” and the countless slew of imitators has definitely diluted the impact of those two movies, and if you didn’t seen them within maybe five years of their original release you might not get the same…
While those are indeed great anytime movies (I’ve seen Remember the Titans more times than I can count), I’m honestly really disappointed in this initial lineup. Hopefully it gets more fleshed out closer to release. That said, I’m also in Canada so god only know what we’ll actually get and when we’ll get it lmao.
It’s a transportation appliance, sure, but it’s the *best* transportation appliance. That’s kind of fascinating. I mean, the guy in first class doesn’t get to the gate any faster than the guy in coach, either, but he has a very different experience doing it.
So, where do I fit in to GM’s plans? I’m 45. I’m a Corvette fanboy since the 70's. (When I was a kid I had all sorts of toy C3 Vettes.) I have an 80. I drooled over the 90 ZR1. I can tell you all sorts of fun facts about every model year. I test drove a 99 FRC. I couldn’t afford one, so I bought a 2001 WS6 instead.…
Of course you can’t afford it yet. But once you’ve paid off your house and put your kids through college you’ll finally have the disposable income to buy your mid-engined Vette. Unfortunately, GM will decide that it will now be an AWD electric 4-door Panamera, and nobody makes anything like the car you’ve been…
Gotta have the proper clearance AND the need to know.
I never jacked up a General, but I did put a few officers face first on the cold concrete with my angry dog :)
I don’t like the monkey, it wants me to taka a survey after I voted so I can see the results of the poll. That's a NO-NO in my book, sorry
It is kind of funny or ironic even to see an English-speaking American arguing with native Spanish-speaking Mexicans about whether or not a Spanish phrase spoken is Mexico is correct
Between the diesel engine that’s probably running that sub and ocean waves crashing against the it, I love the guy screaming his lungs out. Somehow magically with all that noise the guy in the sub would hear him and stop the sub.
Mermaids are real. Saw one while i was at the beach a few years back, she was out about 50 yards into the water, frantically waving her hands at me, non-verbal creatures, so I imagine this is how they say “hello” and then she just went under the water and I never saw her again.
The issue is that Chik=fil-a is not just a better chicken sandwich, it actually is a nice place to purchase said sandwich. McDonalds, by and large, is not a nice place to visit.
Actually, I looked at an F16 seat to see what you meant, and I think what happens is the whole seat is canted backwards. So while the backrest is basically 90 degrees to the seat, the whole seat is canted back like you were thinking. Same thing is probably true of the ones I posted also
What do you mean by “fighter pilot lean”? They all sit at like 85 degrees.
This is what I like about my big ol’ beater truck - it’s basically like sitting in a office chair. It’s beat to hell and the seat springs have sprung but the seating position is so good, especially for a really tall guy, that that stuff doesn’t matter.
I like how much of this, our new and more enlightened age, seems to consist of shoving stuff down the memory hole so that no one can ever see it again. Because nothing better shows respect for the individual than taking away their choices.
I learned at 12-13 (illegally on neighborhood roads), licensed at 16. I have 2 schools of thought on this: