
It took Fett to generate that spark of motivation and effort though. The Pykes clearly had been doing this for some time and the Tuskens just freaked out and didn’t organize a response, so it’s pretty simple to assume that was the norm. Fett went out and obtained new resources (speeder bikes) for the Tuskens, and then

Because Pykes are assholes and shooting the natives is fun. 

I think this is Fett’s journey. This series is going to be about him learning what the underworld is really like, what the path to power and leadership in a criminal empire is really about. You can’t just walk up, shoot the guy in the chair, and that’s that.

Nice Price, even if it ends up being a continuing project.

I think it’d be a more interesting thing to see what the percentage of sales were relative to total inventory of those models year over year. It’s one thing if the 47 Fusions sold in December 2021 were the last ones for sale. It’s another if Ford collectively has a thousand of them for sale across the country and

Honda Odyssey. It’s been receiving little detail changes year over year for a long time, but I think it’s been the same basic design for yeaaaaars.

Someone was stuck behind a delivery truck for Sunbeam Breads. They looked up the business info, called and talked to the owner or a manager or someone like that, and the manager then told the truck driver to open up and start distributing his payload to anyone that they could get to. 

First off, VDOT absolutely knew this was coming. It had been forecast for a while, and the big variable was that we were getting a good day’s worth of rain before temps started to drop into sleet (so icing) & then snow. So there was no way to pre-treat the roads because it’d all get washed off. And then the snow was

I dunno, are there many restomod EV Ferraris out there?

That’s roughly where my thinking was going. Electrify it, make it faster than OEM, start a new trend.

I think the answer to “How” is probably analysis paralysis. By the time they realized that their plan wasn’t keeping up with expectations, it was too late to change it.

If this were fully sorted (no paint issues, no sticking throttle, no parking brake problem), I might actually throw it a NP. The list of updates and mods is pretty nice, with an actual CAI, Hurst shifter, & some other details that I appreciate. But it’s not, and it’s overpriced.

There’s that, plus dude’s selling it in Alexandria VA, which would be a pretty awful place for this as a daily driver. He probably needed to learn that lesson and it cost him a bunch of money.

And the description on Craigslist made reference to an occasionally sticky throttle, which red-flagged it for me right there. 

That’s even cooler.

I’ve got family in the music business, and tour buses are a game-changer for when you’re doing a city-to-city lifestyle, especially if you’re able to hire a full-time driver/maintainer.

Eh, this sounds like Delta asked the question that should be asked, which is: “Does what we know now, and the situation we’re in now, warrant continuing with a policy that’s from a year prior (give or take) and when we didn’t have the protections we have in place now?”

Emmet Otter’s Jug-Band Christmas is on Amazon Prime. It’s held up. There’s also a short blooper reel on YouTube that’s hilarious.

Something to be said about the Landie’s approach angle here. Or anything with off-roading/rock-crawling pretensions...if you’re designed to get up and over a log without scraping the front, you’re going to climb up a normal/low car’s bumper/fender too, and probably faster than you want to.

At this price, yeah, even I’d consider it, if just to have a ragtop for a year and then probably sell it for what I paid for it.