
Yeah...I ought to re-read that, by the way, but I'm thinking more like a print version of those Battle: 360 shows that run on the History Channel and provide graphically oriented movement-by-movement reviews of the action.

Love the space battle imagery. Not as fond of the ground-level stuff.

Trader Joe's French Roast coffee has always been a great deal, IMO. I don't remember the exact pricing right now but there was a long stretch where you could get a can of beans (14oz, I think?) for about $6, or the larger can was like $11. We've also liked their smoked salmon and chunked frozen mango.


Planetary shielding. That'll save the day.

This is great. I love the concept. I don't have one of these but now I'm thinking it'd be a nice purchase.

Well, the comic books tended to do more to flesh them out as humans, which is what I really grew up with (didn't see the cartoon that much as a kid).

I hope that they retain Roadblock's gourmet chef character trait...I always liked that Mr. Badass also knew how to whip up a soufflé.

No toy is more frustrating than almost-Lego. I had a set of some knockoff Lego wannabe that I'm sure a great aunt or someone gave me thinking it was the same thing, and once those bricks mixed in with my much larger box of Lego, it was so frustrating occasionally coming across one thinking that it was just the right

Kind of interesting to see the evolution of seapower. We're at a stage now where railguns are viable heavy armament, where lasers capable of causing real damage are being mounted coaxially with Phalanx cannon, and where all shipboard missiles are stowed in non-articulating, almost failure-proof (at least mechanically)

I wonder if they'll be able to develop a canister-type round for this...basically making it a hypersonic shotgun. That'll do the job for anti-missile use.

That's another reason I like my older LG Ally. Physical keys on the front face make it really easy to manually turn off the display and lock the screen, so I can have the screen timeout set to a full minute when unlocked. Usually when I'm done with operating the phone, my thumb's already right there to tap that

Clone Wars was weird and spooky but I kind of wanted to see Dooku live up to his Sith Lord expectations and shove some dark side force power back down the Witch Mother's throat. I also think that Filoni missed the chance to show what an orbital bombardment might have looked like.

I have to admit, that MSN Changing Room fakeout is still a winner. It's an awesome tease.

Jeez. The 10mm is a big round, too. I hope he didn't get internal injuries.

I tried it with Comcast and got our total package cost knocked down about $20/month. So it does work, at least sometimes.

Noooo kidding. She looks like she should be the "movie scientist" that everyone says is unrealistically attractive.

There's a "high quality" setting in Google Music's Android player that I think is disabled by default, but you can activate it.

It is a big "if", but it's an open door since the F-35 isn't optimized for all-aspect stealth like the F-22 is.

It's supposed to be a big problem on the Super Hornet, especially since the wing pylons are not aligned with airflow. They're canted outward to a visible degree.