I remember how Gunbuster [ends...it's] this terrifying but exhilarating combination of 5+1, but in terms of time, not distance.
I remember how Gunbuster [ends...it's] this terrifying but exhilarating combination of 5+1, but in terms of time, not distance.
When he showed up in Harry Potter, I said to my wife "Hey, it's the stuttering guy from 'Shakespeare in Love!'" And now it seems like I see young him [everywhere...he] was a non-speaking character in Jim Henson's "The Storyteller" in 1987, for instance.
F-35 doesn't have thrust vectoring, except for the -B version in vertical landing mode. In normal operation, it's a fixed exhaust.
And operationally, the SH will never run with them all laden. Usually, any Hornet you see airborne (Super or Classic; hell, this applies to F-16s too) will have at least one, if not two fuel tanks, two large or four small bombs, and two Sidewinders. Maybe AIM-120s if there's a credible air threat, but usually not.…
No, it's not. It's an aircraft.
I suspect the Typhoon would at least be an even match to the F-35. Typhoons, IIRC, aren't primarily [strikers...they're] air dominance birds, but they just came along around the same time as the F-22s so they got short shrift and their strike role was magnified. But I'm pretty sure that they've got good radar and can…
The F-22 has wing pylons as well that are mounted for long-range missions (relocation, patrol). Fuel and weapons.
They'll do both. Legacy 4th generation fighters will be hitting targets for a long time still, if needed, but they won't last forever. Also, the F-35 has more to it than just [stealth...it's] just that stealth is the pretty, easy-to-see (ironically) part.
Root/ROM makes all of the difference in the world, especially if you're smart about installing apps. I've got something like 55MB internal space available right now with no apps on my SD card. Seesmic for Twitter+FB is especially [smart...you] get the core functionality of both networks in an app that's only about 1/4…
LG Ally, rooted with Velocity 1.2.2, mildly overclocked and with an ICS theme on ADWLauncher. In other words, a two-year-old phone that doesn't feel like a two-year-old phone.
I'm curious...why are you calling it a farce? From what I was reading, the people on the islands want to "stay British" and the Argies are being rather pushy about their position on it.
Uh, yep. At least in terms of hardware. For example, Venezuela has Russian-built Flanker variants which have always, always been assumed to be on a par with F-15s, if not better.
The whole "love triangle" aspect comes off as very much the same as the one in Twilight, but at least in HG, you know that there's manipulation going on for specific reasons.
There are always threats. Venezuela is a continual worry (despot leader+oil money+ties to old-school Communism+access to modern Russian military systems), as is North Korea. Iran may not have lots of airborne threats but they do have them, plus SAMs. The US & China may have a reasonably co-dependent relationship now…
Didn't you notice the lack of errors?
F-16s were carrying AMRAAMs on the wingtips as far back as the mid-90s. I remember seeing them pictured this way when I was in college.
Oh, I agree. This is one of my favorite airframes of all time.
I'm not quite sure how Katniss's fire dress is a point of contention...it's not like CGI can't model fire really, really well. I mean, if Ghost Rider can make it, the fire dress should be easy.
Everything listed is definitely in the books, and more. I almost had a hard time accepting these as "young adult" books.
I'm glad that they got a proper shiny helmet on Cobra Commander.