Mary Contrary

No, not weird, per se, it’s a consequence of the confluence of high intelligence and incisive vision.

2000 was a good year. I chemically burned a hole in my septum that year.

It’s fascinating how smart people just naturally gravitate toward their field very early. Contract law at 12 is very advanced. Kudos.

Better than being one? Not murdering people is SO difficult for legit crazies. People have no idea the strength it takes to restrain one’s natural urge.

You’re my favourite commenter, always wise and witty. Keep up the good work, sport. And fuck those ICE agents in the skull with an ice pick at every given opportunity.

I am an adult with a full time job able to afford prostitutes, I have sex more frequently then your average teen.

It was a trick question but ok.

So, having viewed the extensive video evidence, would you have shot? Y/N?

Sing, sister. +1000.

All Star is a great song. What kind of savage are you? You probably hate Third Eye Blind too, right? Dilettante.


Nobody pays attention to the details anymore. The youth of today need discipline.

Username checks out.

Nobody should tweet, snap, or insta. Seeking attention is a mental illness which ought not be encouraged.

Has nobody noticed that Rob is repped by Robert Shapiro?? The original get-you-off-like-Robert-Shapiro? OJ’s Robert Shapiro?

You must be real stupid if you think that anyone turns up to court in their evening wear. Marc Jacobs usually dresses trampy girls for court. See: Winona, Courtney, Pamela, Anna Nicole.

Starred because the Cambodian genocide should never be forgotten.

A slow walk off the deep end into hell.

Whilst you are barely able to construct a sentence. Death to you both, I say.

Temazepam to fly, never Zolpidem. Always benzo, never hypnotic sedative.