
To be honest, I have different feelings when it comes to mom-and-pop owned stores, but Wal-Mart, Target, Costco... they can recoup those losses much easier.

This. Corporate shit is insured; the cost of that will get distributed back to consumers through price adjustments, and we all go on our merry way.

Gen. Russel Honoré (Army guy during Katrina, if you don’t recall the name) recently said on a local radio broadcast that they should just bust open the doors of the nearest WalMart and give it away. He’s cool like that.

“In this novel, a heroic, righteous officer of the law spends decades chasing an evil, criminal fugitive who used a fake identity to hide in plain sight and even stole a loaf of bread when he was hungry. That criminal was a thief and deserved to be punished.”

- An excerpt from Tom Llamas grade 7 book report on Victor