Not really. I occasionally sit at the table with my handgun holstered. It’s not a big deal unless you make it one. Stop trying to be offended by everything.
Not really. I occasionally sit at the table with my handgun holstered. It’s not a big deal unless you make it one. Stop trying to be offended by everything.
Aside from the policy issues you have with her positions, what’s wrong with the gun? There’s nothing wrong with keeping a gun in a holster on a table, it’s impossible for it to fire like that.
I loved Naked. Granted, I’d totally watch anything with Marlon Wayans in it.
In all fairness, the oathkeepers aren’t a group you can join until you’ve taken an oath to “defend the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.” I highly doubt they’d actually do anything even in the event of an order to disarm the American people.
I think I’ll look for it on a steam sale in a year or so when/if they patch the rough bits out.
In what way is it right to punish people who do nothing wrong for the actions of others?
Who wants to bet that this gets thrown out?
If you look at Rand Paul, he’s not even like that. So he wants to get rid of the affordable care act and end government subsidies to health care. It would cause the market to correct itself, as if you can’t (or won’t) pay for a service, it’s up the the provider of said service to lower the price to a point where…
How is Rand Paul a nazi or fascist? Fascism is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce that came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe, and that’s kind of antithetical to everything Paul believes.
Here’s what I don’t get: You want gun bans and all of this gun control, yet police are fascists and Trump’s a nazi. The logic is eluding me at the moment, but if you ban guns from people who don’t answer to Trump, he has all of the firepower.
I hope it winds up being like Batman #666. I loved that one off storyline.
So you’re blaming the third parties instead of blaming the Republicans and Democrats for selecting the two most disliked candidates of all time as options for president? You have some flawed logic to think that because Trump is repugnant people would support Hillary. I’m sorry your feelings are hurt.
You know, by attacking those with whom you disagree, you’re not advancing your positions in any way.
Why would a person running for president of this country need to look up to leaders of other countries? That’s silly.
Why attack the guy for using his money to support a candidate he believes in?