
I’m normally on the ACAB side, but I’m really struggling to be displeased with what the cop did here.

If you liked it, it wasn’t “lame”. For me, it was the car I could afford, not just lust after. First, it was a ratty, rusty, base, two-speed automatic Corvair, followed by a brand new Gremlin with 5 mph bumpers.

Sigh. Back when I lived in Atlanta, I once heard a bubble headed bleach blond local news bimbo refer to my alma mater as Georgia Tech University as well.

Lexus IS350. V6, 4 doors, not boring, and will run forever.

Demon Challenger 170 whatever.... Wasn’t that on a 1-ft rolling start, or something? Are all of these 0-60's calculated the same way?

But also, you CAN drive them that long. Some of us remember the days when 100,000 miles on a car (particularly domestic brands) meant the end of its useful service life. These days, even at 200k, a car can still be in good shape, running great, and not rusted into oblivion. 

The average car payment (half above the number, half below) for 2023 was $738.

Because I don’t want to do that. 

I like the egg lights. 

But let us not forget, Rob is the only reason to view jalop anymore, besides yours and mine smartassed comments, we are the content, but Rob provides the platform...and im here for that, every fuckin day for the last 10 years. I think thats a success, fight me

You guys really need ad blockers, for real. 

Short money for a low-mile Vette ragtop. What’s not to love? As long as it’s not hiding any serious issues it’d be a fun cruiser. 

The 911. It’s the benchmark for sportscars and supercars even today.

The only reason this still looks good is it was never driven. And probably for good reason.

ND simply because it is a Chrysler product. 

I don’t know why it bothers me when they put the word “Turbo” at the end of any electric car. I know Turbo means a lot of things but I think big spooling suck in air turbo every time. I wish they would use another word for fast that has to do with electric. I hate to use Lightning because Ford ruined it but I feel

Apple is dead as an innovative tech company...

Elon Musk may be wrong about most things, but on one thing he was dead right: hydrogen is dumb. It’s either wastefully inefficient or it’s just natural gas with an extra (unnecessary step). If you are going to make a crazy v12, just run it on gas. If you want to greenwash it, maybe just run it on E85 and call it

Some folks thrive on offering shit takes.

You're thinking "Gran Torino" which was a completely different car down to the chassis. Your gripe is akin to comparing and dissing the '57 T-Bird because of the '64 T-Bird.