
Amazing. Well written. I take drives to escape for a bit and clear my mind. Every vehicle I have owned has had the exhaust modified some way. Not straight piped and obnoxiously loud, but enough to hear it. Finding a back road and hearing the car roar is an anxiety reducing drug that should be bottled and prescribed. 

it’s gorgeous car

I love driving. The act of driving. But I feel like the car I drive directly affects how I feel about driving. Like, I wouldn’t enjoy driving a 15 pax van or pickup truck, you know?

This kind of shit is EXACTLY why I bought an EV.

My uncle Jack was a huge Toronado fan, having owned seven of various model years over the span of two decades.

It’s just Jalopnik being Jalopnik, do you expect them to start proofreading things now?

I guess I am old enough that I love these cars, it would have been cool to roll into Vegas in this in 1978. This is indeed a rare option, looks to be in fine condition, NP for my hypothetical collection. 

The last time I got rearended.

A friend’s teenager once printed up 100 static-cling decals (this is important as there was no possible way he was vandalizing or damaging property). They were matte charcoal grey so they blended into dark colours really nicely. They said “I have a tiny wiener”. He stuck them to brodozer trucks, just below the rear

Bigger budget wouldn’t hurt, but these are fun.

Even the sweetest shifting manual on earth sucks in bumper to bumper traffic.

Any car can be a flying car if you’re determined enough.

My hot take.

A high 5 second 0-60 is now inadequate for auto reviewers. Wow.

Stellantis, the automotive world’s Island of Misfit Toys”—well put.  But calling this car a “classic”?  No, it’s not.

NP. I watch these pretty close all the time.

“Predator grille”

Looking that pristine at that price--practically credit card money--works for me.  NP.

It wasn’t the F Train?