
What are his outdoor hobbies? Different hobbies have different kinds of abuse and might require different things from a vehicle. Is he off-roading or just taking it down rough forestry roads? Does he need to carry snow boards or surfboards, or is he going to strap a deer to the hood? Will he be putting a lot of

Whatever truck you end up with, make it gas powered.

... and this is why the “tough on crime” mandatory minimum sentences (which always seem to end up equalling “life in prison”, somehow) are simply bad public policy.

Mandatory minimum laws are obscene in all instances.

Holy shit, child rapists, murderers and other far more horrible people get far less time than this.  Did this guy fuck up and deserve to go to jail?  Certainly.  Does he deserve 110 years, not even close.  Total failure of the system here so far.

I feel guilty that I LOL’d at that, but have a star anyway.

This is one of those items that one person is desperately looking for, and no one else is.

Some guy jumped out of an airplane? That’s just Rong..

Rong’s supposed wife

The dealership doesn’t look like the kind of place place to buy “luxury” anything. ND

Nope! Just too much money for what it is. This isn’t a lets-go-camping setup, but a people hauler. And those off-road tires are probably noisy as hell. least it doesn’t have Lionhart tires

Can I please get a response on this. You posted this an hour ago, it was only 12pm PST. Why not wait longer?

Let he who hasn’t drunkenly crashed a plane into a front yard cast the first stone.

My neighbour just scored a 996 convertible for $20k CAD…IMS replaced and everything. It was a screaming deal. One of those “want to buy my buddy’s car?” scenarios where the buddy just wants to cover a bill, and doesn’t know the value of the car. Lucky jerk.

I think there’s a cult of brainwashing that finds karting fun, but automatic gearboxes boring. I refuse to drink the koolaid. This is a NP.

I guess we should change that Biden nominee’s quote of: “Petrochemical companies going bankrupt is good”

Typical for American leftists, the most polluting people on the planet.

Something something once in a century storm something something normal weather, climate change hoax something something. 

Impressive carbon footprint.