
Look, a Union boot licker. I’ll stick with working in companies that appreciate hard work, ability, promote from within when possible and give opportunity to those that deserve it. You stick with your “seniority above all else; I can’t do that because it isn’t in my job description” union job.

Shocker, more union corruption.

Is it just me, or does that boat look like it’s listing starboard-side?

I’m not so sure a Ranger needs 6x6, they seem to be getting the job done just fine without.

All of the James Bond movies? 

I would hope our elected officials wouldn’t commit something so wildly unpopular.  As for the other 30 countries, wake me when they actually do it.  Because they won’t.

Yeah, what we really need is more meaningless, unenforceable commitments so far into the future that none of the people making them will still be around when it’s time to implement.

Well, the headline writer here clearly couldn't be bothered to read the article, eh?

I’m OK with being called an idiot. I was an idiot. I’m also nearly 11 years sober, which doesn’t invalidate my misdeeds but at least shows that I did, in fact, address my alcoholism.

Honesty appreciated.

I’m all for preventing drunk driving, but fuck this kind of invasive nanny state technology. Apparently I’ll be driving a lot more vintage cars in the future, because I flatly refuse to drive a car that might suddenly decide I’m too tired because of the always on cameras monitoring my every move.

I am, to my shame, a 2-time loser. And as such, I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that no system exists outside of full automation that can keep drunks from driving while also not screwing over normal, rational drivers at the same time.

So when do we start getting paid a commission for writing all these daily listicles for Jalopnik?

The stupid custom license plate and boy racer decals tell me this thing is permanently going to smell like bubble gum vape and shitty weed. No dice.

Patently untrue

That is a MASSIVE waste of electricity. Extremely inefficient.

Are we not going to talk about that parking job?

Get out of your mindset.  There are plenty of people, young and old, with leg and foot problems which prevent them from driving a manual-equipped car.  Why shouldn’t they be allowed to drive something fun?

Exactly, the whole manual elitist thing sounds like what you’d expect a beer gutted retiree harley owner to say- “should have bought a real one,” etc.

No, what’s sadder is complaining about the availability of an automatic that might allow someone to drive the car who otherwise wouldn’t be able to.