
“Hero” seems to mean something different to you.

Hmmm, a Ford for fording...

I’m going NP. It’s an arbitrary NP since I have not looked around at the market on these, but I know where early SUVs are going, and I haven’t seen a 2 door Pathfinder in decent shape [or any shape] in at least 5 years.

The transmission is also a torque converter automatic...

I have absolutely no way to call this one with any degree of serious objectivity. I don’t think I could even start this car, let alone drive it properly.

It looks like a poorly executed shop class project. It’s only 7am and I already want to vomit. Everyday I wonder if 2020 can get any worse, then here comes Rob with this abomination.

So let me make sure I have all this in hand:

In all likelihood, this Voyager needs a motor rebuild (or maybe a new oil pump or new oil pressure sender—who knows?) and a power steering pump.

This is almost no money for an incredibly rare, honest and interesting car. Would be a ton of fun for cars and coffee and a few bucks to fix the bumper and you’re taking a Radwood trophy home, no question. Seeing the Clio and who knows what else in the last photo shows this is a collector and someone with genuine

Brad is. 

A running, driving 35 year old convertible in decent shape with good parts availability for $2,750? Absolutely a nice price.

okay so dude spent $45k on the build, had some fun, and now he wants his money back....  yeah, sorry bro, it doesn’t work like that.

The vehicle’s exterior looks pretty good for its age, and the interior too if you can overlook a bit of wear on the driver’s door-side bolster.

In that moment, Randall stopped owning a Ford Expedition. He picked up his keys, and began gathering the supplies needed to change his status among Apache Junction’s HOA: This is a case of Keystone, a hacksaw, and years of pent up frustration.


100,000 dollars for this?! HahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhaaahhahahhahahhahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahaFord Expeditionhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahah

The audio sounds like every Japanese porn at xnxx.

Still better than Spirit Airlines. 

Since I got this wood chipper? Fewer.

What does race have to do with a car site? Please enlighten me