
It just cost more to live in Americas shittiest state.

No, this is very suspect. You grow in the community much like tennis. People spend decades getting to this level. You do not walk in an unknown and just stomp a grand master. This is creating a buss in the chess community for good reason.

I bought mine because I made the mistake of test driving it. It’s a 2021 Miata RF.

His 2005 GT has 140,000 miles. This guy is a true hero.

Watch the video and you might change your mind.


You are correct sir.

Cuz math is hard?

A true testament to the intelligent hiring this site does. 

Currently the most inefficient way to move a vehicle.

This is more vaporware than Fisker. They cant win a war against a tiny country and people think this is going to happen?

Try Diamond Crystal Kosher Salt. It will change the way you use salt. You can turn it in to a fine powder with just your fingers.

Pure vaporware...

Thanks Andy. Wonderful writing.

They mentioned minivan already...

your joking right?

It’s a great time to be a car person...

This is dead wrong. It is correct that your compressor only has one speed but during the heat of the day the compressor runs a much higher head pressure meaning the compression ratio is much higher thus it consumes a lot more energy.

You are doing the lords work.