
Why? I did not set the price. He did. The same is true of most blue collar workers. Their pay did not go up when gas prices did. 

Tell that to the poor who tend to drive more and have older vehicles which get worse mileage. My gardener sure as fuck is having a harder time “sucking it up”.

Someone with the name Killa doesn’t like police. Color me shocked.

We need to start the please can Erin movement.

Sorry. ND. For $5K plus, there are just so many more bikes out there that are far better than this one. For starters, where are you going to get this serviced? There is one place west of the Mississippi...  

Bradley, with everyone being AWOL, you should make a run on stories.

Nor should they. It’s a car blog they decided needed to be a tool for spreading their agenda. 

Fuck those guys and while we are at it. Fuck you too Erin. Please take your political BS to a site it belongs on. This is a car blog BTW...

Again I ask, what does Subaru make worthy of a markup?

WTF, a recall issue not about Tesla???

and water is wet.

Added to the list of shit I will never see.

Rob gets a daily read, I also read anything Bradley or Mercedes. The rest should not even bother to pen their drivel. 

No. Not even close.

Jalop is only about agenda. Readers be dammed.

High HP SUV is just unnecessary. Does it corner, no. straight line, yes but who cares. ND maybe 9K but that’s the tops.

I heard that when I was a kid... I retire in 5 years.

Just a guess... Criminals are stupid?

Wait, Subaru has a product worthy of a markup????

The Webber Faster One