
The ram truck is a joke. Knock a zero off of the price and then it’s only a maybe...

Joe wants to thank you for all the free press. 12 million a day and growing. Next year will be significantly more than 100M. 

If pure oxygen comes in contact with an oil it will ignite.

Hard pass

Tons and tons of custom work to make this mess and they used a simple label maker to label the buttons and switches...

Brandon could find a way to fuck up a wet dream...

Joe thanks you for the free press. He should be at 15 million by weeks end.

75.5% of the American population are vaccinated. In my math, that’s a lot more that almost half.

Over the 31-year period, the industry average was 1,115 car recalls per every 1,000 sold. Recalls are very common...

Its not uncommon for me to get 40 MPG in my Miata.

Brandon likely doesn’t know who Elon is.

Are you new to Jalopnik? Research or honest reporting is not something that happens here. Making people hate the US is the main objective. Oh, and don’t leave out hate everything Elon does. 

Put your god damn phone down...

Wildly untrue. Are their loud mouth racist. Of course. More than were in the 50, 40, or 30s. Not even fucking close. Do they get way more main stream press then back then? Most certainly.

Relax, we are not relying on Biden to fix it.

That’s a rather racist comment.

Good for them.

Peoples rights to control their own bodies and what goes in them.

100% agree and I own a Miata with an AT.

An old BMW? Just no. Dont care if its a wagon or a manual. Its still an old BMW.