
A lot of the have fake tail pipes too. Take a look at a 3 series with side by side dual tail pipes. One of them is likely fake.

Think next time you vote dumb fucks.

Why do you care so much that morons want to overpay for vehicles?

Get back to us when that thing runs and is actually driven.

Ok the Porsche is nice but how about a car a normal person can own?

Look 3 pedals!

This isn’t new. Tractors have been autonomous for years now.

This was not a bright idea of a small business owner. Reviews exist for a reason.

I made the same type of mistake as a kid (17). Don’t mess with mother nature. You are not as bad ass as you think. 

I learned this at a very young age. If you live in areas that see this kind of snow, please teach your kids.

Police getting good press? On Jalopnik?? Where am I???

Check out the Whittier tunnel if you enjoy weird tunnels. It’s only 2.5 miles but its one lane and you drive on train tracks. It’s a very weird experience.

Why would you even consider using these? We have testing stations all over the place with no lines. Plus their tests are way more accurate then these PCR tests.

Carlos, welcome to literally the worst place to live in America.

The engine makes 201 horsepower and 221 lb-ft of torque. In a 3500 lb CAR??? Thanks but I am good.

Your not wrong. That’s what colds do.

If only we had something like weather forecasts that drivers could check before they head out on a trip... 

I predict that Jalopnik writers will continue to shit on the US while actively ignoring facts or objectivity.

I don’t think these are meant to replace or be instead of a boat. These are to add to your water toy collection.

Jalopnik’s agenda here is to shit on the US as much and as frequent as possible. Objectivity be dammed.