
Okay I know you all love to be Elon haters but that’s damn funny.

Ok, that second video was just weird...

Not all Subarus are are driven by lesbians but all lesbians drive Subarus. 

They all suck.

I got pulled over in Tennessee for having California plates. The officer even admitted it. 

No. This is California in decline. Everything right of the left coast is doing pretty well.

That list was pretty much what I expected.

This needs more stars.

Friends with Jussie Smollett?

Know what the best part of the Bronco is? It’s not made by Jeep.

Just one more reason not to live in that shit state.


Back in the day, I had this exact van. It even had the same color scheme. The motor will last forever but everything else on it will break for no foreseen reason. I will say it had the most comfortable seats in it but it was still a POS.

Glad to hear it’s not just me...

Fuck off

Needs more stars.

Bottom line is $18K for a 2007 Jeep. Solid nope custom or otherwise.

So you are saying there is a bad car dealer out there? Shocking story...

It’s also 3700 lbs.

Someone please buy that Wasp and restore it.