
That’s a really bad take and likely the result of sensationalized media.

That’s too bad. Jalopnik writers really needed another tech company to wave their hard on at.

Why did it take Tesla to figure out cars should come with cameras that record the surroundings? Insurance companies should give price breaks on vehicles with cameras.

I just returned from a trip to Alaska. Can confirm. Everything there is expensive.

Considering most of America is powered by coal, your are trading one fossil fuel burning car for another.

No door handles, suicide doors... It will never see the light of day.

What a glorious beast! Thanks for sharing.

As a boomer and a ND Miata owner you are wrong. I can buy any car I want but I don’t want just any car. I want small, RWD, manual, tossable, reliable car I can enjoy. Miata is the only answer to that.

Shareholders would never go for this. Thy do not want you staying in a car for an extended amount of time. They want you buying a new BMW every 18 months.

Go ahead and open the flood gates to all the idiots paranoid over autonomous vehicles. Yet you comfortably drive on roads with people paying more attention to their phones than their driving.

Sorry Bradley but this article is complete bullshit. Go back 50 years. Cars did not even come with seat belts and American roads were mostly shit. The dash of my first car was steel and the steering wheel might as well been a spear. Cars and roads today are far safer than they have ever been. The drivers may be dumber

No door handles. It will never see production.

Tires then were utilitarian. These got the job done.

If they are going to mandate vaccinations, why not implement a healthy BMI mandate? 80% of the people hospitalized for this are obese. The fear of fat shaming is literally killing people. Go on a diet you fat fuck.

Please! We need one in the Atlanta area.

Just one more reason never to visit this shit hole.

I see nothing wrong here.

Forward controls on a cruiser with a big engine are horrible. Your feet and legs get cooked.

A Chinese device with a front facing camera in my shower. Yeah that sounds like a great idea.

A Chinese device with a front facing camera in my shower. Yeah that sounds like a great idea.

Someone beat that thing with a fugly stick.