
and you are on Jalopnik why???


Chrysler, any flavor. The question needs to be asked - Who the F buys this S?

Podcasts almost exclusively. If you enjoy longform, Joe Rogan is one of the best.

Agree. I daily a 2021 MX-5 and the infotainment system is the biggest flaw.

Thank you Elizabeth.

When the snowflakes get hungry enough, those icky dirty jobs won’t be so bad.

Jesus Jason what’s with the hardon for Elon? Sure he is an arrogant dick but the auto world has plenty of those.

25 of the most polluting cities make up 80% of the green house gas and guess how many are in the US? None. 23 are in China alone. The US could be carbon negative and it is not going to do shit to reduce the worlds green house gas situation.

Keep fucking the poor. That’s going to get you reelected...

Stared for turd!

I want to be a grill designer for literally any company. Grills on almost all cars now are hideous. 

This vehicle is likely 10 times better at driving than your average driver today. I welcome the day when this is the norm. Oh, and I stop on the freeway in my lane with some frequency. It’s called traffic and I have never been rear ended by a truck full of produce.

$10k maybe. This is insane for a car no one wants.

This tech is not really for your average Jalop. I am betting we are the few that actively drive our cars - meaning we pay attention. This is for the other 90% that are messing with kids and texting on their phone. I want them to use this tech PLEASE.

It’s Adam’s excuse to shit on Boomers. He is a dick like that.

Congrats on getting out of Minneapolis. I am a former MN resident and I love Georgia. 

This exactly. My wife wanted to buy one and that warranted a solid fuck no.

Good riddance. Who needs a car no one can afford and one that will almost never get driven. Are suppose to be sorry here?

If you can’t afford proper gear, you can’t afford to ride.