
I work for a software company with roughly 100 other developers. We have 8+ 4 door trucks in the parking lot and I have yet to ever see one tow anything or have anything in the bed. I asked one of them one  day why they bought such a big truck. He said I want to buy a John boat and this way I can tow it. A John boat

I love it but lets face it. Its not going to happen. At least not very similar to the concept. Suicide doors and no B pillar? Yep. Not happening. 

True but I doubt you do 100,000+ miles a year. Plus he is in the Bay area in CA. There is a lot of non-freeway speed miles on this car. 

No PDK no deal.

Incorrect. There are no manual transmissions more efficient that modern automatics.

That is pretty glorious. Thank you

Adding fun reduces efficiency. 

How dare you bring up relevant facts. 

Neutral: I am not conflicted. A company should be free to sell the product they manufacture any way they see fit. The government should not be in the business of injecting middle men.

Came to post the same. That movie made like 7s of dollars...

autoblogger that hates hot rods. Credibility=0

I am stealing chinesium  

I think the same could be said about blog writers...

No one wants this in a manual. 

This is not a boomer vehicle...

Bet your fun at parties...

or the three month vacation every year.

Nice anecdotal biased bullshit reporting. There is a supercharger station less than a mile from my office. It has 10ish charging stations. I have seen it used by one Tesla 1 time. I did see 1 ICE car parked at it once. I am guessing that this issue exists at some stations and not at others. This is just click bait and

How does that exhaust not burn his feet?