
You dead on. You have to drive one before you can appreciate what it is.

Millennials acting like idiots? Now there is some news... 


A Tesla didn’t do this. A shitty driver did.

Came here for the millennial whine and left satisfied.

Why does Jalopnik feel compelled to post every time Tesla is sued? The big three were sued 17 times just today and no posts on them... 


I am sure it is no where as nice as my Harley going BERBRBBBRBBABRBABRBRBABRBABRBRABB 

for 30+ years...

She squirts...

Saudi Arabia, welcome to the early 1900s. Barely over 100 years behind THE WORLD.

awe man... hatin on my daily driver....

What?? CP??? Are you all high???? This is a thing of beauty! You all must have missed those spoked rims...

I own one of these WTF-berg cars. Its way over the top and I love it. 

Everything about that car is wrong...

I live in Cobb County and I have for two decades. I wish I could say he was different than the rest of them. This is a VERY typical cobb county cop. They are all egotistical assholes.

The Buick Goatse... Self explanatory.

I work 9-4. All my days are short.

Please do not turn this site into a place where whiny pussies gather to complain about Trump. That is all Gizmodo is anymore. I cant stand to go to the site anymore. I come here because I like cars and the articles. Pleas do nor eff that up.

I didn’t/wouldn’t vote for Trump but watching all the whinny little pussies on here cry about it every day is making it totally worth while.