Jeanz Leggings

I know what you mean. That’s why I was clarifying my comment. It’s just that I see this argument “if you wan’t equality, we should kill your characters too” everywhere and it just doesn’t hold when you look at the context.

I am sorry, my comment needed more context to be understood correctly. In order to match the death rate of lesbian/bi characters on television you would need to have around 800 straight characters killed off PER YEAR. I am quite certain, you can not come up with that number.

Ah, sorry I misread. You didn’t negate the fact that the trope actually was used, but that this show is not the best example as it has representation still. I agree.

If this was always the direction there were headed, then I agree.

In order to fall into the “Bury Your Gays” trope it does not matter whether you have other queer representation.

Actually it’s more than that. I posted it a few comments above, but you can read here what it is really about:

I’m curious, do you think the story needed “wrapping up”?


Most of the outrage is based on the baiting and courting that happened during the season and hiatus. For instance, they had a writer lurking in a lesbian forum reassuring the fans about Clexa when they already knew that Lexa was going to do.

But that’s exactly the thing: You simply cannot ignore the social context.

It was a conscious decision on Jason’s part to kill her immediately after them sleeping together.

I think that’s exactly the reason why the argument “you want equality, so we can kill off your characters as well” doesn’t hold. If with this character also the representation is gone, we are nowhere near equality.

So then don’t promote the story line so extensively.

Show me 800 straight characters being killed off and I might agree.

Was that a romantic relationship though?

Good riddance, Jenny.