Tough to be an MLB pitching coach when you refuse to work with lefties.
Tough to be an MLB pitching coach when you refuse to work with lefties.
they should probably start the layoffs with their fucking HR department, because they sound hideous.
They took a risk on a talented player...and cut him when it looked like it wasn’t working out.
This is why 3–legged racing will never take off in the UK.
If there's one time where chanting your country's name is allowed, it's when you win an international competition. Americans are generally idiots when traveling abroad but not in this particular case.
That would seem to be an asinine qualifying system
Reporters are so soft now. I remember the days of Herbert McGoo, Joe Dribbler, Dick Frank, Johnny Johnson, Big Jim Pincus, Wally Habbermaster, and their ilk. They’d get a quote out of ty Cobb or honus Wagner if it meant a fight. If you thought you could throw McGoo out of the clubhouse he would patiently oblige and…
It’s not Haisley writing here.
Pitching like that and not playing for the Mets, how did she manage to lose three games?
“Could you not drive in that scenario?”
Well, what you did is considered harassment and what she said on facebook is just plain ignorance.
At least she seems to be admitting that being an influencer isn’t real work. That’s a step in the right direction. I look forward to her YouTube account being removed just to see if she compares it to desecration of a corpse.
The XFL starts next year.
I mean I can be mad at George Zimmerman being found innocent, hundreds of cops not facing any murder charges, and still think that Jussie was guilty and deserved jail time. It’s not all mutually exclusive.
I do this to my son and he usually kicks me in the nads and I drop the ball.
Yeah no one seemed to have had any basic understanding of what Holmes was talking about. This wasn’t some app where, yeah, a dropout with some knowhow and an idea COULD pull it off, or fake it till you make it. This dropout was claiming to do what others have sought to do for decades, namely, eliminate or reduce the…
I don’t think we should comment until we see the WHOLE game.
If he’s such a great prognosticator, then why didn’t he open the broadcast with, “Everybody should just go to bed right now, because in a few hours you will all want to kill yourselves.”
Funny, that’s how the old East German Women’s Team did it too.
If Turkey really wanted to lock Kanter up, a simple pump fake would probably do the trick.