Shirt pocket

You do realize the saints played thanksgiving night, so both teams had a full week of prep for this game.

Easy solution, ban the purchase of trucks. A smaller vehicle “could never” do the the types of things that truck did. And it was the trucks’ fault of course

Is that not the exact type of form tackle that these players should avoid at all cost? Looking straight at the ground anticipating contact

It’s funny to me how all these non Trump supporters get on him for “making fun of people and calling them names” when all they do is make fun of him and wish bad things to happen to him. Who care s about an athlete not going to the White House. Stop depending on the government and you wouldn’t care so much

I personally enjoyed how Sherman outted Carson for having “a mom, a girlfriend, and a wife”

Well by that theory the Democratic Party will SHOOT senators in a park while playing baseball. Oh wait, that already happened. See how dumb you sound

I get the “pay these players” argument, but I’m curious about a few things. If you pay them, it makes them “pro”. Do they sign 4 yr contracts? Are they able to be traded? What’s the pay scale for a starter compared to a benchwarmer? There will have to be some kind of high school draft to prevent power house teams from

It’s “well documented on the internet” it just has to be true! Go Trump! Vote for term limits, 2nd amendment rights, pro life, border control, drug test for gov handouts, just a feeble things.

Once again deadspin has breaking news! A woman was called a bitch by a man. Drop everything!!!!!

My gosh you liberals and your “everything is racist” agenda. You will probably be the the same pathetic people calling kids racist next month when they dress up for Halloween.