Jeannette Correia

I do think Jason was planning to kill himself , if only bc it fits well with what I see as many strong parallels to Hitler (who killed himself — or so we assume — when it all came crashing down.). Jason is dressed like Hitler. His hair is in a modern version of Hitler's 'do. He's in charge of deciding who is best

The whole "Elizabeth's got a roast in the oven" pregnant joke by Stan was cute and sad. Peggy was pretending to be pregnant so it reminds Elizabeth, again, of her loss of the friendship of Young-He. And it's a funny little thank you to the viewers for being willing to overlook tKeri Russel's actually pregnancy and

Me too! Something is going on besides the obvious…

Elizabeth was SO holding back the: "Paige, are you fucking STUPID?? We would not just off Pastor Tim. Alice woulda been gone too," when Paige was questioning their involvement. I get so irritated at Paige for all of her self-righteousness; however, I happen to have two 15-year-olds in my household. It's not actual

Thank you. I have been learning to watch for things like that by reading reviews and comments. I love shows with lots of layers to enjoy 👍🏼

I'm not sure if the wallpaper showed last night but it has many times before.. They may have been in another room — but it was gray, cement looking too. Have fun!

I have been WAITING for some kind of tie-in to the "decor" in the safe house where E & P have meet-ups with Gabriel. It looks like a dang prison! The wallpaper basically is gray bars over concrete blocks. The light fixtures on the walls are those you'd see in a dungeon — or at least any of the dungeons that I've


Bahahaha That's hilarious!

Omg…lmao. Hilarious.

I sort of thought that scene was to show us that Gabriel and the Center were not lining up something more sinister for Martha; so that we'd know they were not just ignoring Phillip at this point completely.


Here's the thing that makes Chuck unlikeable to me. It's not even in comparison to Jimmy. They are both separate people with their own separate BS they need to contend with. But the underhanded way in which Chuck sabotages Jimmy is so pathetic. You don't want your brother at your firm? Don't send Howard to do your

I'm much too old to be so in love with a TV character, but when Ragnar goes…so will I. (Like, not literally die, but I'll just re-watch old episodes)