
Within an hour of the announcement of Scalia’s death, members of Congress were already calling for Obama to not nominate someone (which is pretty much against the Constitution). They really don’t care. It’s as simple as that, unfortunately.

I’m now giving huge side eye to those who were amused and entertained by Trump with all of his racist and sexist remarks (really, people?) and didn’t take him seriously. Y’all actually thought that Trump was a side show and not representative of voters? Have you seen America? Our history isn’t exactly “land of the

Especially when I believe that gun deaths is the highest cause of death in young children now. “unlikely tragedy” indeed.

I’m glad I could help someone else! I found out about the extender from another blog, and it’s made life so much easier.

I guess so. I thought about that after but I was too stunned to think to ask them. Probably the strangest encounter I’ve ever had in public.

I’m glad you’ve never had a problem with the flight attendants. I bought this seatbelt extender from Amazon a few years ago and have used it multiple times on different airlines. It was such a relief to not have to worry about getting one from a flight attendant every time. I highly recommend it, especially if you fly

Not from a flight but definitely related: I went to see Porgy and Bess by myself because I was dying to see it but none of my friends wanted to go with me. I splurged and bought a center orchestra seat. I happened to arrive early so not many people were there yet. This guy walked up to me and asked if I would mind

Thanks! I’m definitely going to start with Vivid. I love reading about early female doctors so that book is perfect.

That’s what I said when she showed up on screen. Out of all the women in the movie, there was a supportive wife (Tomei), Robbie in a bubble bath, quite a few strippers. Oh, and I think only 1 woman in the banking industry (but even her motherhood was the main focus of her being on screen). I liked the movie but their

Thank you! Many times during the movie I was wondering to myself “where is this guy’s wife?” We see him stare at her picture multiple times but she’s never shown on screen?? I rolled my eyes so hard by the end of the movie.

I feel bad I’ve never heard of her. I’ve been looking at her book selections on Amazon and I’m very intrigued! Which of her books would you recommend?

I know, right? These are the same people who are clamoring for us to have boots on the ground in Syria, yet she has the audacity to blame Obama for her son? I didn’t think I could dislike this woman more.

It makes me so angry. To put it bluntly, they really don’t care about black people. I could go into a much longer explanation, but I think smoke would start coming out of my ears.

The average African American has 20-25% European DNA. That’s pretty crazy when you think about it and it shows how rampant rape was during slavery. One of my friends (who’s African American) did the 23andMe DNA test last year and she was shocked that 30% of her DNA was European (69% sub-Suharan African and 1% Native

I’d highly recommend the Addy books from The American Girl company. They did a fantastic job of explaining the complexities of slavery that young children could understand. It can definitely be done.

Thank you. I’m in my 30s and I have never had the desire to get married and have children. I love my life, and I LOVE being single and unencumbered. I’m the only one of my friends not in a relationship. Everyone, friends and family, keeps asking me why I’m not with anyone. They don’t understand at all that it’s the

Same here. Sense and Sensibility was always my favorite Jane Austin book and Alan Rickman’s portrayal of Col. Brandon is exactly how I always pictured him. His death has really hit me hard.

Ok this might be my favorite lottery plan EVER. (Can we add Texas to the list?)

Same! I’m glad I’m not the only one who was embarrassed.

Eh. Of course I know that. I still bought 2 tickets because I waste more than that on Starbucks, so why not? It’s nice to dream. :)