
It’s easy to do if you’re pure evil and have no moral compass whatsoever.

There really are no words (pun intended). This morning I was joking with my parents that Herr Drumpf was on a Twitter rant again. Fast forward 7 hours where I drove back home and see that he’s STILL tweeting about the election? God, he’s so embarrassing.

Unfortunately, it’s real. But, it does read like a Masshole James’ tweet, no? Sad!

Well, he described a 1-year-old Tiffany as having the legs and possibly the breasts of her mother, so this isn’t out of the ordinary for him.

Honestly I think a big part of it is that they didn’t think he had a chance to win so they didn’t want to waste resources on someone who would go back to being a private citizen.

Exactly. The NYT article does mention something like this at the end of the article. His properties would be extremely vulnerable

Hopefully there’s another “Deep Throat” in the FBI. There has to be a few people there who aren’t corrupt.

Or donate it to something like veterans services. But I doubt he’d want to give money to people he thinks are “losers”.

I just don’t understand WHY Hillary conceded so early when the votes were so close in WI, MI, and PA, even on election night?

I wondered why she conceded so quickly as well when the vote count was so close in a few states.

Yup. If Hillary somehow became our president after this shit show, Congress the past 8 years will seem like a cake walk compared to what they’d do to Hillary. Congress was already planning on being completely hostile towards her, but if a recount showed she won? They’d tear her apart and make her presidency hell on

His obsession with Ivanka is beyond disturbing. Can you imagine if Obama or Bill Clinton said they’d like to date their own daughter or pat her on her hips during a public speech? So gross!

I’ve never really understood using this expression until now: *dead*

Can you imagine if McCain or Romney did that?! They would have been raked over the coals. Again, up is down and down is up. (No need to wonder what would have happened if Obama or Hillary did the same thing.)

What’s so sad is that this is one of the few things that Obama’s allowed to do without congressional obstruction. (Still beyond pissed about the Senate republicans highjacking the judicial branch, and not only the Supreme Court but also blocking Obama’s judicial appointments for the federal courts.)

We elected a black man. So, obviously, something fishy is going on with our democracy. How on earth could we have let that happen?! /s

Thank you!!! I was wondering the same thing, especially on manufacturing jobs. All the excuses about Herr Drumpf speaking to the working class when ALL of his products are made overseas?! Up is down and down is up.

I actually wouldn’t mind if the cabinet was made up of hosts. At least they could be reprogrammed.

OMG. I just had an image of Herr Drumpf attempting to comfort parents after a school shooting and wanted to vomit. I can’t believe this is real life.

I went to the movies this weekend hoping to forget about the horror of our election for at least a few hours. I went to see The Arrival, and 3 minutes into it I knew it was a mistake because all I could think about was what if something catastrophic happens in this country in the next 4 years? Do we actually think