Jean-François Martel

in your defense, it was an "A" worthy episode

When i first saw his conscience on screen i was convinced it was the ghost of Hugo lol

i'm kinda shocked you guys still have the patience to review this show. I gave it another chance a few years back when it seemed it was getting better but then it fell again in quality and now i just want it to die. You're stronger than me.

in their defence, i literally never hear about Terriers

my point still stands (she is the highlight of those movies)

Paul McGuigan flopped more than once yet still gets funding

but usually if Lucy Liu is in something it's at least worth checking out just because of that.

the trailers even made it look boring so i'm not shocked

Best episode of the season… the first good one actually.

I'm tired, i'm so tired of the way they constantly change Britta to fit the needs of the episodes. Some of the shit they had her say in this episode was just baffling to me. the Britta from seasons 1 and 2 and 5 is one of my all time favorite characters, i watch a lot of TV, i love a LOT of characters and she still

YES Defiance is so good but completely ignored by most people because it's on Syfy!

.They also have to think about competition, There are more popular shows (Game of Thrones, Walking Dead) that air on Sundays than there are on Fridays.

Throw Rachel Nichols in there. She's shown to be pretty damn impressive in Continuum and she has a movie where she fights against Zoe Bell (Raze, though the director is a dudebro)

Lucy Liu also knows martial arts (no idea which ones) so i feel she could cause some damage.

we knew right there she wasn't fucking around. Next thing you know she'll do the same to JLaw

i don'T have details but i know she has no filter when she talks and has said some problematic shit more than once in interviews and stuff.

we didn't know what we had until we lost it.

What i am saying is that the show has dealt with incest from the very beginning, it's not so surprising people caught onto it and started shipping it

To be fair, there are a lot of reference to them being a couple on the show… and i mean as far back as early season 1. And there are examples and references to incest all throughout the show, not just with Sam and dean but even other characters (Mary and her father while he's possessed, the Benders, I think there's a

The USA Network is one of the biggest offenders in that area.