Call me old-fashioned, but I like to think that God hates everybody.
Call me old-fashioned, but I like to think that God hates everybody.
You know what would be great? If Jezebel also lambasted all the shitty things they do against women. If LL killed herself this morning you know we would have a piece on here decrying just this form of "too effing involved" gossip journalism. SO lets beat the band and just have one half of Jez correct the other.
God dammit, Lindsay. We've watched with glee as you crashed and burned, all while saying "but we were all rooting for you!", made fun of the way drugs ruined your career, appearance, overall appeal, and life, took any opportunity to write gossip articles about you... The least you could do is tell us how many times…
Didn't she do an interview where she said she's only done cocaine twice? and before that she would downright deny she ever did it.
I'm speaking generally, and am confused as to why you think I would assume anything about your own situation.
It's funny that people think that they don't have a responsibility to reasonably take care of themselves physically (as well as emotionally, etc) after marriage or entrance into a LTR. People let their partners fall in love with the 'dating version' of themselves only to let themselves go as a completely different…
Points well taken. But I'm not sold on the idea that our physical bodies are just for ourselves. I'm active - I run and go to the gym. And yes, it makes me feel great about myself and is the primary reason behind my fitness.
I have only done it for a few weeks at a time as step mom. I can't imagine that full time. No way!
I was WAY prouder of myself than I should have been about that. "I AM SO PREPARED FOR ANY TRAVEL EVENTUALITY!" Meanwhile, the day I checked into the hotel I dropped my eyeliner in the toilet, which just goes to show: one is never really prepared enough.
lol I'm damn near 40 and had to buy some fem hygiene products recently. Of course the packaging has changed b/c they can't leave that alone so I'm standing there trying to figure out which is the kind I like when I hear my councilman coming. He was glad-handing everyone and I was terrified he'd come talk to me while I…
A colleague just reminded me that if I head up the R5 a bit further, they're locked up again - because you're back in the middle of college central. Kids will be kids, I guess.
You should have seen the shenanigans that happened when people filled prescription for animals (normally dogs in our area).
Cronuts: A Story of Haves and Have-Nots ... Cronots.
The treatment stars get from the papparazi is shameful and we, as consumers, have created it. Magazines would not pay thousands upon thousands of dollars for pictures of celebrities children if it didn't sell like gangbusters. Don't buy gossip rags and don't give hits to places like TMZ. No one deserves that kind of…
I want to be vaccinated against Jenny McCarthy, but I heard the Jenny McCarthy vaccine causes Jenny McCarthy.
This is my impression as well. Either they don't remember the incidents at all, they vaguely remember the events but don't recall there being any ill intent, or they acknowledge and shrug and say sorry without really processing why what they did sucked.
I can't help it, I gotta get my kicks somewhere!
Because they can't post selfies not of themselves. Definitions. ;)
You don't. Your spouse does.