Jean Carlos Oliveira Miranda

the has the most depressing comment section on the internet, safe reviews, it's just mean spirited depressing people… sorry if the truth hurts…

this season is so calm, I'd really like an episode with the two as main, they complete each other in a different way than troy, Frankie can work with abed's quirkiness for a right purpose, while troy was simply consumed by abed's views… what a cleverly conceited character…

i can't understand how can people get tired of constantly inventive themes like season five did, I do agree that we need an normal episode once in a while to recharge our expectations, but he completely killed them this season, next week's seem to be pretty high concept, hopefully not like this one…

well they did external shots, guests stars and new casts members… as far as i know, their budget was increased…

character wise it still pretty competent, but to me the best of community was it's ability change it's own reality so naturally, damn, i miss it, i hope the paintball episode does a better job than this one…

it wasn't meta enough, god why is Harmon so resistant to high concept episodes this season… it worked greatly to have a lot of them in season five, my favorite…

yeah, but her explanation kinda cooled him off and I said, ok, we got at least one more season…

gillian said she cried in her car when she got the call and knew the show was canceld, i don't think she'll leave it easely… at least i hope she doesn't, love me some gillian…

that power point bit… i feel dan harmon there, I saw a power point presentation from harmon on youtube once that was painfully funny…

it didnt get me emotional but it got me in a weird place…
i said "you don't know how to play frankie"
but it's actually natural for me to talk with the characters while watching…

if she doesn't, something worst is gonna happen… oh norma… do I hear mom rapist…

i really thought that was gonna be his next murder, but i'm glad james survived, it's sad that norma just can't see how messed up her son is no matter how many freaked out people tell her…

all i could say in this scene was FUCK YOU FARMIGA! isnt acting the shit out enough… she just have to rub it in our inferior human faces that she can sing and play piano…. man, i love that woman…

i liked the wink to the audience
"why does everybody imediatly jump to 'i died' "

i think i'm the only one that loved the response of the therapist,
i just adored to finally have the truth thrown on his face!
and norman's reation was crazy….

wow, spectacular episode, i love how slow it was oposed to ow rushed the last one was, but also with memorable scenes, Norman having his sickness diagnosted in his face was amazing, and for the first time freddie is truly creeping me out, that last close up in his bad was disturbing…

you touched a boy, and you made him a man!