Jean Marciniak

Every Major Tech Network reviews that Siri is great and a big leap forward. There is reviews from countless top sites where they mention how Siri is much more than your traditional voice assistant that you find on WP7 or Android. Big Names @ The Verge, Engadget, etc. all gave Siri great reviews. But surprise

Just because it may be cool to see a mammoth again doesn't mean we should... did people not watch Jurassic Park. Especially Jeff Goldblums speech where he basically says... their extinct for a reason and bringing them back will have unforeseen consequences

People who don't know how to use computers should get and use a iPad. My mom never really used a computer ... got a iPad ... now she's on Facebook... getting email, visiting websites, etc. Its amazing someone who disliked technology so much was able to learn it so fast... (was using iPad in less than 15 minutes)

I think Facebooks days at innovating and being at the cutting edge are over. They seem disorganized and without direction.

Thankfully we have at least 1 judge that knows when government should stay away from interfering in commerce. If u need pictures to tell u cigarettes are bad for you than u need to get a reality check.

Really a off center 1 lol. You guys have too much time on ur hands lol

i Have a iPhone 4... i have 130 apps on my phone (yes i know a lot lol) about half of them are usually running at any one time (don't ask but i jump through a lot of apps when I'm bored lol) and theres no slowdown. it runs smooth ;) Gotta love iOS.... android phones need 1GB ram... and sometimes they even lag under

1 word - Fragmentation! Most Android phones are still on 2.2 ... the chances of people getting 2.3 will be a miracle, much less 4.0

Interesting... Napster user here... look forward to the merger... hope they keep the innovation napster has been doing to their iOS app.

WOW, Gizmodo bashes Apple to no end today... first Their Pro Only topic now this. Guys seriously how about having a neutral viewpoint and not bash Apple because you personally dont like them. You dont see these types of posts on other Tech Websites. You bash Apple so much that your website is synonymous with Apple

I never went for Hotmail. Stuck with Yahoo, which sucks too (Gotta Pay $$$ for Email Fowarding!!!), but at least they got some amazing customer service techs - all based in The US. Only reason I still do business with them.

Thats one big reason I would never switch to Android. When a new version of iOS is released everyone with a iPhone, iPod and iPad can get theirs updated same day. No testing periods, no hoping the carrier approves it, etc.

Dell should never state they are environmentally protectorate.

The Atrix is a hit or miss. If people do buy the laptop ... it'll be one of their most successful products yet. However if it doesnt... it will be a pricey failure. Remember Palm tried this same idea and it failed.

@jdale: Its not really 499. Thats with a 2 year contract. Add another 2 thousand and your end total is $2499. Best case scenario if you get it out of contract most likely the phone runs for around 500-600 and the laptop for another 300. So your possibly looking at nearly 900. Ouch.

Battlestar Galactica RULES! We can learn alot from that show. So Say We All! GO ADMIRAL ADAMA!