
“Our best player wants to be paid the type of money that good Premier League teams pay their best players? Why, that’s outrageous, we should clearly sell our best player instead.”

It’s truly shocking that they aren’t winning titles, let me tell you.

Arsenal’s yellow alternate goes back quite some time.

Went back to read the comments on the original story. Maybe we should just hold off on publicly shaming everyone accused of a crime until all the facts are in. Just a thought. And kudos to Deadspin for posting a follow up. A lot of media outlets probably aren’t going to bother.

The best one is Dixie State University...

“Don’t get Bayern don’t get Bayern.”

I love you.

We’re all clear this story is made-up Boston-homer horseshit, right?

Was waiting for him to grab a glass of milk the whole season.

Dude I can’t look at the guy in any role and not be completely creeped out by his Always Sunny character

Careful with that talk. You don’t want to get fork-stabbed do you?

How many of those poor fans still defend Paterno? Fuck them.

Tie goes to the school who didn’t cover up child molestation for four decades.

We cannot, as a society, normalize this behavior. There’s going to be a lot of things happening in the next few months - lots of changes, lots of things said. Some will be tolerable. Other things will be so far from the realm of standard behavior that we have to act and be heard. We cannot normalize this. This is not

In our defense it was mostly anyone who didn’t live in a real city. Columbus, Cleveland, Cincy and Toledo and the counties they are located in were trending heavily for Hillary.
But in towns that aint go no jobs and in which you can use the word “methy” to define their populace, they were all in on the Greatening of

While it often feels quite gross, having a mouthpiece at the biggest sports channel and website in America is probably a net positive for LeBron.

Goddamn, I hate this motherfucker.

I want to believe that Urban Meyer’s wife calling him in the middle of his press conference to tell him to pick up a gallon of milk is them basically dunking on Harbaugh after the win.

Oh, for fucks sake Samer. It’s a stupid sign.

The fact that he kept trotting Badley out there was hamstringing the team.

Timothy Treadstone, the 29-year-old political consultant who apparently started the campaign, told USA Today that people who claim the campaign is a “protest” or “boycott” are misinformed, because, in fact, it is a “social experiment” the purpose of which is to “keep Starbucks accountable.”