
Curse you and your stealth edits, Westbrook!

Those lines are painted with cars in mind because cars cannot accelerate as quickly as motorcycles. In my mind that means it’s not necessarily unsafe to pass. As you can see from the video, he could see there was no one coming and that it was safe.

You had me until the part where you said that motorcyclists were essentially free to break laws that they feel don’t apply to them. Vigilantism is wrong so is breaking the law. No double standard.

All security would have to do is detain them until the cops got there if there was suspition of theft, now if they had know they were in trouble, did something to instigate the security into such acts, like ramming their ATV first and driving at one of the security people, I can see doing something to detain them

Why wouldn’t they press charges instead of releasing letters to the press? Why “considering” instead of “seeking?”

why does stance crowd usually compares itself to the muscle car culture?

All I see is this.

Please. First, no one died. That’s good, no?

Seriously, your wife is that caught up in herself where she thinks people are judging her because you drive a lowly Focus? Yep, you’ll fit right in with the Porsche crowd.

You mean wait until it’s passed? Good plan.

Aren’t all modern SUV’s and Crossovers just, “HEY! I need a minivan but I don’t want a minivan.” things anyway?

Let me see if I have this right.

The speed has a LOT to do with this. It has EVERYTHING to do with this. Guess what they don’t do on the autobahn or highways in Texas? Put crowned roads crossing the intersection, hard curbs or have sections of road be privately maintained. They also put crash barriers between the cars moving at speed and hard things

Why do you use the term “ghetto” to elicit these adjectives? I know that one of the narrators in the video uses it, but they are idiots. Are you an idiot? Do you realize that you are using a term that describes somewhere that many people live, and by extension you are describing those people as shoddy, cheap, and poor

Thakfully, American translates to Australian pretty easily.

Fun story about ice breakers: they are often dual hull designs (and ice breaking bow and keel on one end and an open water bow and keel on the other) because icebreaker hulls are terrible in open water so they are designed to turn around in open water and sail one way and then flip around completely when they get to

How do you say “schadenfreude” in German?

First, the UK cares about CO2, up until the future regulations, which will care about NOx more, like the USA does. Took you guys a while to realize what the big fuss was about, nice of you to notice which of the byproducts is the real worry. Second, both NOx and CO2 are different from particulate matter. There are

A billion dollar fine isn’t a serious consequence?

Ammosexual status long as we’re flingin’ around epithets.