

VOTE: email

Uh... remember where you left your car?

I don't know if disuse can be abuse. I mean, you have to use something before you abuse it.

Anyone have any idea where to buy filters for bag-less vacuum cleaners? I went to 3 stores yesterday and failed completely.

@jeadly: Okay, so I just don't seem like a complainer, how a bout a list with values for each task for things like time-to-complete and importance.

Uhhh... I'm missing how this is different than a list of tasks. Except perhaps that you've procrastinated prioritizing doing the dishes versus emptying the trash, which you'll have to decide at some point anyway unless you're a housework magician.

Seems like there's potential for sending out an awful lot of "email me again" messages, which pretty much just puts the onus on someone else. This seems less like a lifehack and more like declaring to the world that your time is more important than everyone else's.

They lost a son and "future grandchildren"... okay, and somehow money is going to make that better?

Or you could throw away your running shoes and greatly reduce your chances of injury. Let your feet be free!

Wait... it's not Lifehacker? What are we doing here?


all their hdmi cables are gold plated. pass.

Hit the deer. Sure, try to stop, but you'd much rather strike a deer than swerve and hit an oak tree.

You couldn't wait to press publish till you had some news about why or even anything more than a title? Weak reporting, Jalop.

What in the hell is a mapquest?

This is not a flying car, this is a driving plane.

SO? Next you'll be telling me it's not cool to park in those "expecting mothers" spaces.